30 things I've learned in 30 months of living in the UK

This week has been particularly auspicious for us, as we carefully marked 2 ½ years since we touched down in our new country. As we are on a five year visa, this is the half way mark to us applying for ILR and making our home permanently here in the UK. It’s a weird feeling, so much has happened and yet it feels like it passed in a blink. The next 2 ½ years seems so long but we know it will be filled with learnings and experiences as we settle ourselves even more. Along the way we’ve learned plenty so to celebrate the milestone, I thought I’d share something we’ve learned for every month we’ve been here (I’ll keep it short, I promise!). So here’s my list of 30 things we’ve learned in 30 months of living in the UK: The sun shines more than you think. Discussing the weather is a national sport and you quickly learn the rules of engagement. The weather is constantly measured in record terms - in other words, every weather system is breaking so...