Hello budget holiday, you penny pincher beauty! (Part 1 – Yorkshire)

No English holiday is complete without ruins and a red phone box. Peferably both! I have a confession to make. I have a bad case of the travel bug, but I’m mostly broke. Well, I’m not THAT broke but I certainly can’t afford lush holidays and wanton spending. Every single penny gets turned over and considered before we can spend it, and this naturally includes holidays. It’s only because of very careful planning that we get to travel and explore as much as we do, but if you look closely, you’ll see that I’m self-appointed queen of cheap and free activities. Which basically means I do great research. And I absolutely love it! Little did I know that my slender wallet would lead me on a path of travel that I didn’t consider…the jam packed, penny pincher, cultural experience holiday. I’ve shared my tips on travel in the UK before, you can read it here , but this series of posts is a few months overdue. Today I ...