10 things that are more British than tea

As we have settled into the UK, I have come to recognise (and love) the sights that are so intrinsically British . The sights that are to the UK, what car guards, street vendors and taxis are to SA. Today’s blog is a motley collection of the sights that I believe are so very British, although I’m not talking about the obvious ones such as rain and umbrellas, roses and manor houses…I’m talking abut the things you see all the time and don’t actually realise are more British than tea! And these same sights will become as familiar to you as barbed wire on your garden wall back in SA. 1. Red telephone boxes Red telephone boxes can be found everywhere! I love the red telephone box es, you see them everywhere! As much as the Telkom boxes died out in SA with the uptake of mobile phones, the red telephone boxes in the UK have clung to life. If they aren’t still offering a telephone service, you’ll find they’ve been re-purposed a...