Two happy years…and what we’ve learned on the way

So, our anniversary has come and gone. It’s so hard to believe that we’ve been in the UK for two years already! As I watch my Faceboook memories, it feel a bit surreal to think of how stressed we were, how terrified and how little we knew about what to expect when we landed. For us, it’s been an amazing time. We found jobs easily, the kids got settled and we adapted quickly to our new life. But we have learned so much along the way! I remember writing a list of things I had learned after 1 year in the UK and I’ll try find that list to share it again, but for now…here’s my list of the 10 things I’ve learned in the second year of life in the UK. 1. Your speech changes Try as you might, there are things you just have to pick up. This is partly to make yourself understood and partly to avoid being ragged for something that sounds hilarious to your British friends and colleagues. One if these changes is that you’ll stop saying “da...