What the weather!

September has quickly become my favourite month here in the UK. The sunshine takes on a rather pretty light as it shines through leaves that are slowly becoming translucent, ahead of the fall. The humidity drops so quickly it’s almost like someone flipped a switch. The days are warm enough for a t-shirt and to keep the office windows open but the nights are chilly and you definitely need more than a lightweight parka. You can feel the season changing, every day it gets a little bit cooler as we inch towards winter. Which made me think, how my perception of British weather was so massively warped before we moved over. So what is the weather like anyway? The Brits are quite obsessed with it, talking about it all the time. When I first arrived, I remember that one of my colleagues used to open the door (as a temp I didn't have a key fob and had to buzz for someone to open) and immediately ask "is it raining out?" before he even greeted. I use...