Need to work….but can’t afford the childcare…

The one thing that surprised me about life in the UK, is the massive cost of childcare, specifically for younger kids and the very little ones. Coming out of SA, we are mostly used to a nanny, or a formal childcare environment, but we seldom break the bank on paying for it. The staggering cost of childcare if you have kids of an age that need care while you are working, is literally that. Bank and wallet breaking. If you read this article , you’ll quickly see how childcare can swallow up a major part of your income, if not all of it. £1,200 per month, give or take, is a hard pill to swallow! Depending on which part of the UK you settle in, you may earn higher wages but childcare will also be higher. But what if you need to work? What if you just can’t manage on one income? Well, you have a few options, thankfully the UK is a lot more progressive with offering work to families that have children to consider. NB – if you ch...