When you get homesick...

The question I get asked often is “do you ever get homesick?” To be honest, the answer is actually no. I don’t get homesick, I don’t long for Johannesburg or Africa at all. But I miss home anyway. So what is it exactly that I miss? It’s hard to describe really, and what I feel has been called homesickness I suppose but I don’t think that I’m really pining for the city I left behind. What I miss is familiarity. Quirky traditions and behaviours that I know and understand. A collective understanding that makes you feel like you belong in a place. Like you've always been there. I miss knowing every brand, and which ones I prefer in the supermarket. When you first arrive it takes hours to do your shopping because you are browsing so much, and then it takes weeks to work out which washing soap you like the most because you have to try them all. It’s tedious and makes you feel a bit like an oaf. I miss knowing the chain...