
Showing posts from May, 2018

I want to take my pets with me – now what?

Our two boys on the day they arrived, testing their new beds We were one of those families that made the decision right from the get-go that our pets would move with us to the UK.   This was non-negotiable for us and as we started our plans and built a budget, the costs of the pet relocation was always included.   Taking your pets with you is a massive decision.   So is leaving them behind.   Right from the outset, I want to stress that, if you choose to leave your animals behind, please let them go to new homes immediately.   Don’t drag this out, don’t use any lame excuse for keeping them with you, don’t, whatever you do, leave it to the last desperate minute when you put out pleas on social media coupled with threats to drop them at the SPCA.   That is not fair.   But if you choose to move without them, and choose to rehome them as quickly as possible, giving you and the pets a chance to adjust (and for you to make sure they are really in a...

Things that make you go....huh?

Having been on holiday this week and with a  bit of spare time on our hands, we took a meandering drive to nearby Basingstoke to do our shopping at ASDA.  In the nearly 2 years that we've been in the UK, we've never been inside an ASDA, so we decided to go to change up our routine and just for curiosity sake really.  If you aren't already living in the UK, ASDA is one of the very large grocery retailers, probably on a par with Tescos in terms of price and not too different to President Hyper in Gauteng. I still find it fascinating to wander around the stores and look at the products for sale, touching and seeing what is on offer in this amazing country.  I find it helps me to ground myself a little and every visit to a grocery store makes me feel more at home as more and more products become familiar to me.  Before you wonder why it's taken this long for me to venture into ASDA especially as they are widely found across the country, it's because we live in a v...